VIDEO “We’re still not seeing the action that is needed to address that urgency” says UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary Ovais Sarmad Interviews, Most Popular, Editor's PicksAnne-Sophie GarrigouMay 2, 2019Climate Change, UNFCCC, Climate Action, Politics, Video
The planet is burning. Why doesn’t it make the headlines? Editor's Picks, OpinionsAnne-Sophie GarrigouApril 16, 2019Opinions
“Environmental rights are perhaps the most basic, fundamental rights”—Joyce Msuya, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme Interviews, Environment, Editor's PicksAnne-Sophie GarrigouApril 12, 2019Environment, Interviews
An alternative view on the French ‘Yellow Vests’ protests Opinions, TransitionAnne-Sophie GarrigouDecember 14, 2018Media, Journalism, COP
What’s wrong with the French media? Opinions, MediaAnne-Sophie GarrigouMarch 1, 2018Opinions, Media, Journalism, Communications
Cleantech: Berlin wants to be at the forefront of the race to reach a zero carbon economy Opinions, Sustainability, StartupsAnne-Sophie GarrigouNovember 22, 2017Startups, Berlin, Cleantech, Sustainability
James Hansen’s Views On Climate (In)Action & The Paris Agreement interviews, InterviewsAnne-Sophie GarrigouNovember 19, 2017interviews, Interviews
Draw Readers in With an Alluring Blog Post Title Here Most PopularAnne-Sophie GarrigouSeptember 12, 2016
“There’s huge potential for lasting, skilled jobs in green industries” says CEO of CAT, Adrian Ramsay Interviews, Energy, RenewablesAnne-Sophie GarrigouSeptember 8, 2016Interviews
“Europe needs to lead this transition” says CEO of Renewables Grid Initiative Antonella Battaglini Interviews, Climate Change, RenewablesAnne-Sophie GarrigouAugust 15, 2016
“There is no fully harmonised European law on renewable energies” says lawyer Holger Kraft Interviews, RenewablesAnne-Sophie GarrigouJuly 22, 2016Interviews
Solar thermal technology with Joseph Desmond, BrightSource Energy Interviews, RenewablesAnne-Sophie GarrigouJune 17, 2016Solar energy, Cleantech, Energy
What role play social media in the energy transition? Interviews, Communications, TransitionAnne-Sophie GarrigouMay 3, 2016Communications
Promoting collaboration and innovation for sustainability in Africa, with Murielle Diaco Interviews, SustainabilityAnne-Sophie GarrigouApril 13, 2016Startups, Africa, Sustainability, Cleantech
“Governments and business are making these investments because they make economic sense” says Dr. Barbara Buchner Interviews, Climate FinanceAnne-Sophie GarrigouApril 10, 2016Climate Finance, Climate Change
“The costs of climate change are huge” says German economist expert Claudia Kemfert Interviews, Climate Change, RenewablesAnne-Sophie GarrigouMarch 1, 2016Interviews, Climate Change, Politics, Economy, Energy